Thursday, September 30, 2010

~Slimming Aids~ Introduction

After reading through all the slimming steps, some people may be thinking that it is very tedious to slim down this way and wonder whether they can take some supplements to speed up their weight loss.

My answer to you is: There is no miracle supplement that will make you lose weight without you changing your diet or exercising. As what the word "supplements" implies, these only aid you in losing weight but you cannot skip all those slimming steps that I have listed in the previous posts.

There are so many products on the market that claims to help people to slim down.
These are usually herbal supplements.
How do we know whether the formula is an effective one?
How do the ingredients help me to slim down?
I like to research on the ingredients to see their benefits, what kind of effects they have on our bodies and of course the side effects.

Usually, the ingredients either increases your bowel movements or claims to help burn away your fats.

As this topic is very big, I will split it up into different parts, explaining commonly used ingredients and their claimed benefits and possible side effects. I will also include a part on prescription medicines that may aid in slimming process.

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Slimming teas/ drinks
Part 3: Slimming supplements
Part 4: Prescription medicines

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